My name is Alicia Cote and how I identify myself as a teacher is a strong leader who is also always willing to be a student, meaning that I do not want the knowledge that I have to ever stay static. Growth is very important to be, as I want to be the highest, best possible version of myself, especially for my students. To me, being the highest version of oneself means to be completely authentic, genuine, and true to who you are. My personal authentic self is based on love. I aim to provide the utmost empathy, understanding, and clear guidance for my students. I am from Prince George, so the UNBC Education program has always appealed to me, as I really like to be close to home.

I want people to know that as an educator, I aim to create a classroom environment where students always feel completely comfortable and welcomed. I hope that my authenticity will shine through in all of my future classrooms.